Testing your computer: Can it handle this site?

Testing your computer: Can it handle this site?

por Norbert Berger -
Número de respostas: 4

Try the following links to see if your software and hardware settings can cope with what this server offers.


Em resposta a 'Norbert Berger'

Creating MP3 files for uploading your recordings?

por Norbert Berger -
Have you got the software to create highly compressed audio files in MP3 format from recordings via your microphone? If not, download opensource software Audacity and make sure you also download and install the MP3 encoding file. Instructions on how to make sure your MP3 encoding works are here.

You can then upload these files in your assignments or discussions. Just make sure your files are not bigger than 2 MBs. You will need to use the settings suggested in the tutorial in the link above.

big grin ngb
Em resposta a 'Norbert Berger'

Audio-conferencing with TeamSpeak

por Norbert Berger -
In order to join discussions and talk to your tutor during scheduled virtual office hours, you need Teamspeak Client, available here. You will get access details in your course.

cool ngb